Image by Feuillu via Flickr
I like to imagine that I am a writer. I use words to share my thoughts and my heart. I scratch words on paper or allow my fingers to fly on the keyboard. I cherish the look of words, the sound of words, the way they fit together like a jigsaw puzzle to create a picture I hadn't expected to see.
I use words, written or spoken as a way to process what I am seeing and feeling. I talk my way into understanding. In this time of change in our church, I have found myself involved in too many conversations. This morning, I brought the issue before my Lord in my morning journaling time.
Today Lord God, I ask for Your help to know when to speak and when to remain silent.
Peace. Wait for My peace. That may mean slowing down, even stopping at times - to wait, simply wait.
If you are angry - wait. Be still.
If you are hurting - wait.
If you sense danger - wait - bring Me your fear. I can help you discern.
No one is too gifted to be beyond needing My assistance. For he who believes he can understand the world on his own is already walking a very slippery trail.
How many times have you spoken first - then come to Me to ask if your words were correct? Is it not easier My child to consult Me first?
I gave you the gift of words and speech and ask you to steward that gift wisely.
Lord, I was just realizing yesterday that I process things as I talk through them.
Yes, indeed you do - so come and talk with Me. Talk first with Me.
There has been too much talk and too little prayer. Everyone is hearing from themselves and others, words, words and endless words. I want you to stop and listen. If I am silent - wait, for I am creating a hunger for My words. I need you to know that you are desperate for My opinion.
This is not a time for isolation, that is what the enemy desires, but it is also not a time for endless chattering.
You are wise to seek My wisdom. Trust Me to guide you in the way you should go.
I am praying about whether I am to set apart a time to fast from words. I am not sure if this will be only spoken words or if written words will be included as well. If you feel so moved, please pray that I will hear the Lord's clear directions.
That is why the Lord says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Joel 2:12 NLT

Thank you for sharing this. I process things by writing, talking, screaming, whatever. But, there are so many times where I wish I could take back what I've said. Or I'm humbled by what I was mistaken in. This is such a hard lesson...but it's a good one.
Such wise words here. I really need to keep this in mind.
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