Hushed with quiet, hushed with awe, I shut the cover of my journal
always gratefully surprised that my Lord would choose to share His heart with me
How can you shine My light when you are busy polishing your own?
It is not your reflection that the world needs.
Do not worry that a cloak of humility will hide you
for it is only then that I am seen.
This then is why I call you to die
die to all your humanness
die to your self hood
die to your self-ish-ness
so that the Me in you would burst forth
This like the rising sun in Isaiah 60:1
Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Isaiah 60:1 Amplified
A bit later in the morning, flickering about the internet world, I connect with a friend who says God has been speaking Isaiah 60 into her heart.
The hush falls harder, yes, through and through indeed.
Triple connections today --
believing that nothing is coincidence with Jennifer

having a bite of something sweet with L. L. Barkat

joining Emily and the broken yet redeemed

Wonderful post! THAnks.
Beautiful, and that photo and verse combination? Exquisite! Can't wait to see what God has in store...
I always figure that when I keep tripping over the same message within a relatively short period of time, God is repeating himself to me to make sure I heard him.
How gracious is that?
"How can you shine My light when you are busy polishing your own?"
So good. Thank you.
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