03 July 2009

Only God knows

I have to confess that I love the moments when I can grab Rick's camera and wander about our yard, never quite sure what lovely pictures I might catch or what God might choose to speak through them.

When I look at the strange beauty of the bud on this bachelor button plant I realize that although I can expect it to be like the other flowers on the plant, God alone knows exactly what it will look like as it unfolds. I'm sure there are hundreds of billions of bachelor buttons and yet each separate flower is unique and precious in His sight. How much more does He know and see and care for each of us?

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" Jeremiah 1:5a NIV


you gotta wonder said...

Great point and beautiful pictures to help make the point. I share your love of capturing images that reflect God's glory.

Amy Jo said...

Beautiful pics and post. I love posting my husband's pics on my blog, thanks for sharing your pics! :-) Sweet blessings, Amy