At first the blooms look like pale little lanterns, showing little clue as to what they hide within. At this point I need patience to wait for them to begin opening.

The secrets inside begin to unfold. At this stage, the blossoms are unique and colourful. One could be content to have such a flower. Still I know that I must water and wait.. and wait.. and wait, for I know what is yet to be.
Now at last, at the end of July, my fuschia has blooms that have totally developed and unfurled, revealing all of the potential I knew they possessed.
Our loving God looks upon us in a similar fashion. He know who and what He created us to be. He is able to see what we cannot. As we journey on the road to becoming Christ-like He watches and guides us with impossible patience. He loves us beyond measure, but will not let us remain as we are. When we become more than we ever thought we could be, it is to the glory of His Name.
"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." Philippians 1:6 Amplified
Have you ever thought that you had arrived at your final destination only to find there were miles yet to travel? Can you remember a time when you settled for less than God's best for yourself? I know that I have.
Today, Lord God I choose to allow You to complete the good work You have begun in me. Today I choose to submit to Your design, allowing You to decide when Your work is completed. Let my life be a testimony to Your patience and love, in Jesus name.
Amen. I don't suppose God will be done with me until He's done with me ... and then He'll bring me home. Thanks for sharing the lovely pix and deep thoughts.
Wonderful!thanks for sharing.
This is absolutely beautiful. I have seen these plants before but have never watched them bloom.
Thank you for such a beautiful word picture.
My husband's grandmother always had a fuschia plant hanging on her front porch and they were beautiful. A fantastic metaphor for the Lord doing more than we can ask or imagine...
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