07 October 2011

Ready to run...

L. L. Barkat writes here about a poetry seminar held last weekend at the writer's retreat at Laity Lodge.  Please click over to read her post and that will explain the following prompt for Random Acts of Poetry.
Make a bowl of fortunes to use as triggers. You can copy phrases from another poet’s work or perhaps from songs, to make your fortunes.
I decided I would use the verses from Psalm 19 and a random number generator.  The computer selected verse 5:

It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. Psalm 19:5 NIV

Here is what it triggered:

Impatient at the gate
many times
having trod this course
victory predicted
assured, yet delayed

The bride
broken, bruised
scrubbing stains
impatient at the gate

Not time, not time
rejoicing waits

Linking to T. S. Poetry Press Facebook page


Glynn said...

It's often amazing what something like a verse will inspire. Good poem, Karin.

L.L. Barkat said...

That picture of a bride scrubbing stains. Perfectly disturbing. My favorite part! :)